Pioneering science &
a visionary approach
Our mission is to get therapeutics to patients who currently have no effective treatment, so we’re meticulously working on aspects like optimized delivery to ensure efficacy. We deviate from traditional models of drug development by solely focusing on performing science that gives our drugs the best chance to succeed in clinical trials. We believe that while false positives may be costly, false negatives are moral failures when there are no other treatments available.
Novoron’s first-in-class pipeline of therapeutics
Novoron’s core technology allows us to dissect and precisely target specific components of individual receptors in an unprecedented fashion.
Our growing pipeline consists of various indication and receptor-specific compounds tailored to the ideal route of administration.
Novoron's core technology allows us to discover and develop molecules that, depending on the condition, avoid unwanted interactions either across the LDLR family of receptors, or within these receptors themselves. The latter point is critical, as this family can be quite large with multiple sites of important binding, disruption of which could possibly lead to unwanted consequences